A series of new reports offer a guide for how cities and neighbourhoods in Indonesia can transition to a more sustainable and water sensitive future. The reports are based on two years of research collaboration between Monash University, Universitas Indonesia and Institut Pertanian Bogor, funded by the Australia-Indonesia Centre with support from the Australian Government. […]
Governor Ridwan Kamil talks West Java, collaboration opportunities with Urban Water team
Last December’s Urban Water showcase and exhibition in Bogor was just one of several meetings through which researchers hope to maximise the reach and uptake of their 18 months’ work together. Another key encounter came two days after the Bogor event – a meeting with the famously innovative and happiness-focused governor of West Java, His […]
Showcase passes Bogor’s water sensitive future into the hands of local water champions
“In the future, I see a blue Bogor Regency – based around our 8 rivers, our 98 situ, and our two-and-a-half metres of rainfall, annually” – Dr Syarifah Sofiah, head, Bogor Regency Planning, Research & Development Agency (Bappeda-Litbang) It was not only 18 months of collaborative research and design on show at the AIC Urban Water […]
Governance and policy: behind the scenes of a Water Sensitive City
“People often see developing countries as frozen in time, like the community is not changing, but you have to see that the societies are dynamic,” explains Dr Reni Suwarso from Universitas Indonesia (UI). Understanding and influencing the complex layers of this dynamism in Indonesia’s water management is the task facing a multi-disciplinary team of Urban […]
‘Chronically toxic rivers’ of the world in need of regulatory reform
If you drink water full of pathogens, you’ll likely know about it in a few hours. If you regularly drink water full of chemical toxins, you may get more seriously ill years later, with no idea why. “There are 90,000 chemicals in daily societal usage, small amounts of which inevitably enter our waterways and then […]
Seaweed, Indonesia’s answer to the global plastic crisis
The impacts of global plastic use have reached an alarming level. Based on the latest data, 9 billion tonnes of plastics have been produced since the 1950s, creating 7 billion tonnes of waste. Plastic waste not only damages the environment and threaten animal life but also harms human populations. One of the most dangerous elements […]
The AIC Urban Water Learning Alliance launches in Bogor, Indonesia
The AIC Urban Water Learning Alliance was officially launched at the Grand Savero in Bogor on 30 November 2017. The Alliance connects researchers, leaders, influencers and ‘water champions’ to share their experience and expertise and shape a water sensitive future for the City of Bogor – one with improved liveability, wellbeing, health and resilience […]
From a vision to an upgrade plan: Water Cluster returns to Pulo Geulis to workshop designs
After months of synthesising community ideas, researchers have presented a suite of water-sensitive solutions to the Pulo Geulis community in Bogor. On 28 April and 22 May 2018, Urban Water Cluster researchers from Monash University, Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) and Universitas Indonesia (UI) continued their ongoing consultations with Pulo Geulis residents. In this second workshop, […]
How water sensitive is Bogor?
How do you judge how sustainably and equitably a city uses its water resources? Questions asked by Australia-Indonesia Centre Urban Water researchers from Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Indonesia and Monash University in Bogor last November included: Can residents access and enjoy the city’s parks and waterways? Do residents feel a ‘connection’ with the city’s water? […]
Drinkable water: Mission impossible?
The US example: ‘fishable’ and ‘swimmable’ The nation’s media, including The Jakarta Post, have reported widely on Indonesia scrubbing clean the ‘world’s dirtiest river’. Jakarta is stepping in with a seemingly impossible goal: make the Citarum River’s water drinkable by 2025. Is this mission impossible? As they say, maybe yes, maybe no. In following the momentum […]