
Industry Fellows

Dr Jemma Purdey

Peneliti ReelOzInd!
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

Gaston Soehadi

Peneliti ReelOzInd! (Indonesia)
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

Professor Caroline Chan

Peneliti Masa Depan Keterampilan
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

Dr Martijn van der Kamp

Peneliti Ilmu Pendekatan Tim (Team Science)
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

Bernardus Djonoputro

Peneliti Infrastruktur dan Keberlanjutan
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

Dr Arnold Japutra

Peneliti Ekonomi Digital
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

Dr Sebastiaan van Doorn

Peneliti Ekonomi Digital
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

Valerina Daniel

Industry Fellow for Communication and Women Leadership
The Australia-Indonesia Centre

Senior Fellows

Dr Christrijogo Sumartono

AIC Senior Fellow
Universitas Airlangga

Professor Siti Malkhamah

AIC Senior Fellow
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Dr Sudirman Nasir

AIC Senior Fellow
Universitas Hasanuddin

Dr Reni Suwarso

AIC Senior Fellow
Universitas Indonesia

Dr Sebastian Thomas

AIC Senior Fellow
The University of Melbourne

Professor Andreas Ernst

AIC Senior Fellow
Monash University

Professor Nunung Nuryartono

AIC Senior Fellow
IPB University

Dr Scott Waldron

AIC Senior Fellow
The University of Queensland

Dr Wilmar Salim

AIC Senior Fellow
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Professor Nyoman Pujawan

AIC Senior Fellow
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Professor Anu Rammohan

AIC Senior Fellow
The University of Western Australia

Associate Fellows

Anis Wulandari

AIC Associate Fellow
Universitas Airlangga

Dr Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

AIC Associate Fellow
Universitas Airlangga

Dr Muhammad Farid Dimjati Lusno

AIC Associate Fellow
Universitas Airlangga

Retno Indro Putri

AIC Associate Fellow
Universitas Airlangga

Dr Dyah Rahmawati Hizbaron

AIC Associate Fellow
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Dr Imam Muthohar

AIC Associate Fellow
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Dr Healthy Hidayanti

AIC Associate Fellow
Universitas Hasanuddin

Dr Sulfahri

AIC Associate Fellow
Universitas Hasanuddin

Dr Christina Griffin

AIC Associate Fellow
The University of Melbourne

Dr Mohsen Bagheri

AIC Associate Fellow
Monash University

Dr Kustiariyah Tarman

AIC Associate Fellow
IPB University

Dr Syamsul H. Pasaribu

AIC Associate Fellow
IPB University

Dr Ulfah J. Siregar

AIC Associate Fellow
IPB University

Zannie Langford

AIC Associate Fellow
The University of Queensland

Uly Faoziyah

AIC Associate Fellow
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Dr Ira Mutiara Anjasmara

AIC Associate Fellow
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Dr Tony Dwi Susanto

AIC Associate Fellow
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Hoi Minh Chu

AIC Associate Fellow
The University of Western Australia