Stephen McFallan
Co-developer - TraNSIT

Mr Stephen McFallan has a background in applied mathematics and statistics with high-level skills in simulation and software development. He has produced novel applications of his skills across numerous science domains in CSIRO. He has made significant contributions to Transport modelling and optimisation, remote desert living research and had high impact in his work in sustainable agriculture research and climate adaption research. His work can be classed into three major research areas, Logistics, sustainable agriculture and natural hazards damages. His skills has seen him contribute to research covering topics as diverse as road and rail network management, to supply chain logistics, public and community housing management as well as lifecycle analysis (LCA) of timber products to climate change adaption and sustainability metrics.
Stephen was the co-developer of the strategic simulation model, TraNSIT, a supply chain and logistics model originally developed to provide solutions to the investment optimisation challenges faced for the national priority of developing northern Australia. The tool holistically compares major infrastructure investments and policy changes for reducing transport costs for the multi-billion dollar agrifood industry. This research is considered to be of such impact and importance that it was presented directly to the Prime Minister of Australia, the Minister for Regional Australia, and several state ministers, and as a result has been given high priority for further development and application to other sectors.