Professor Nunung Nuryartono
AIC Senior Fellow
IPB University

Professor Nunung Nuryartono is the Deputy for Coordination of Social Welfare Improvement at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. He was formerly Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management at IPB University (formerly Institut Pertanian Bogor), and a member of Bank Indonesia’s board of supervisors, the BSBI, for 2020-2023.
He also sits on the National Research Council for 2019-2022 and was previously the Secretary to the Chair of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres), Professor Sri Adiningsih.
Previously at IPB, he served as the Director of the International Center for Applied Finance and Economics at IPB and Head of the Economics Post Graduate Program. He holds a Master of Science from IPB and a PhD from the University of Goettingen in Germany.
His areas of expertise include development economics, microfinance and public policy.