Farah Tayba

Second Secretary, Human Development

Australian Government

Ms Farah Tayba newly manages the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) funded health program in Indonesia. Australia’s health investments in Indonesia – through bilateral, regional and global programs – prioritise health security and nutrition. Ms Tayba commenced work at the Australian Embassy Jakarta in November 2015, overseeing the Australia Awards Indonesia program which focuses on Indonesia’s human resource development.

Ms Tayba joined DFAT (then AusAID) in July 2012 where she managed Australia’s relationship and investment in two global health funds, the GAVI Alliance and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria – collectively a $400 million investment over 3 years. She then worked as a Senior Policy Officer in the Global Development Branch, contributing by way of advice, analysis and representation to the UN negotiations on Financing for Development, the financing framework to support the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.

Prior to joining AusAID, Ms Tayba managed three national health programs – with collective annual payments in excess of $80 million – at the Department of Human Services. These included programs that aimed at improving access to mental health services in rural and remote Australia, as well as programs to keep medical indemnity insurance premiums affordable. Ms Tayba also conducted design sessions with health peak bodies and Australia’s health practitioner regulation agency to shape service delivery changes to better meet the needs of the sector.