Dr Yusuf Bahasoan
Clinical Pathologist
Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital
Yusuf Bahasoan is currently working as a clinical pathologist in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital. He took a degree in medicine at Universitas Indonesia and graduated as medical doctor in 2010. He obtained his qualification in clinical pathology at Universitas Indonesia in 2016. During his study in medical school, he actively involved in educational division in his class and became the head of Media Aesculapius, a medical journalism organisation run by medical students. After graduating, his passion in education made him decide to became an academic and started working in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital which is a teaching hospital for medical students from Universitas Indonesia.
Apart from his work in the hospital, his interest in education, psychology and medicine motivated him to take part in tobacco control movement. This is also in part encouraged by his experience in the hospital where he met many patients suffered from tobacco-related diseases. He joined Smoke Free Agents in 2016 and is currently running a project for educating middle and high school students to avoid cigarette smoking by using cognitive approach. Encouraging young generation is his main focus to reduce the number of cigarette smokers in Indonesia as they are targeted by tobacco industries to become the future smokers. His area of interest for collaboration is related to seeking the factors promoting the youth to start smoking and choosing effective intervention to prevent it.