Dr Silvia Kristanti
Universitas Indonesia
Silvia Kristanti Tri Febriana is a lecturer in the Psychology Study Program of the Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University.
She completed her study in the Doctor of Psychology program at Airlangga University with a BUDI-DN LPDP scholarship. She comes from Industrial and Organizational Psychology background with research interest in the study of counterproductive work behavior and cyberpsychology. In 2021, she received grants for some of her research, including the Compulsory Research Lecturer Program Grant (Program Dosen Wajib Meneliti/PDWM) for the PNBP Intermediate Research Cluster (Klaster Madya) of Lambung Mangkurat University and the 2021 Palm Oil Research Grant (Hibah Grant Riset Sawit 2021) (Presentation stage).
One of her research is of “Cyber Incivility Perpetrator: The Influenced Of Dissociative Anonymity, Invisibility, Asynchronicity, and Dissociative Imagination” has been published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol. 1175 (Index Scopus Q3 / Web Of Science / ISI Thomson Reuters). Silvia hopes and is confident that through this 2021 Visiting Researcher Program – Batch 1 – National Scale – Research and Publication Collaboration, she will gain knowledge to increase her potential as a researcher and have the opportunity of collaborative research with researchers from various scientific disciplines in Indonesia.