Dr Scott Waldron
AIC Senior Fellow
The University of Queensland

Scott grew up on a cattle property in western Queensland, has degrees in international business and Asian studies and a PhD in agricultural economics. At UQ he is a senior research fellow & senior lecturer in the School of Agriculture and Food Sciences in the Faculty of Science.
He has conducted 25 agricultural development projects in China, Southeast Asia (especially Indonesia and East Timor) and the Pacific (mainly in Vanuatu). He has worked in a wide range of agricultural systems, mostly on ruminant livestock, to improve farm incomes, value chain functioning, policy settings and rural development outcomes. Scott has published nine scholarly books, more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, and numerous reports.
He also studied Chinese in China for three years, graduated from the Nanjing-Hopkins Centre for Chinese and American Studies, and speaks fluent Chinese. His areas of interest include agricultural research methodologies – farm management, value chain analysis, policy analysis, participatory and action research – and international agricultural development – macro developments in demographics, food supply and human development; micro developments in farm intensification, commercialisation and technological change.