Dr Muhammad Junaid
AIC Rapid Research Co-lead
Universitas Hasanuddin
Dr Muhammad Junaid is a lecturer and a general secretary at CEISS (Centre of Excellence for Interdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences), in the Postgraduate School at Universitas Hasanuddin as well as an AIC Rapid Research Co-lead.
He was awarded his PhD from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Science at The University of Sydney.
Dr Muhammad is involved in several professional organisations and centres. He is a researcher at the Sustainable Development Goals Centre at Universitas Hasanuddin and the Cocoa Research Group in the Faculty of Agriculture at Universitas Hasanuddin. He is also a General Secretary for the South Sulawesi branch at Plant Pathology of Indonesia. Finally, he is part of the Global Microbiome Initiative as a research member, responsible for eastern part of Indonesia.