Dr Lukman Ade Chandra
Researcher, Department of Pharmacology and Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Further contact details
- Tel: +62 274 511103
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Dr Lukman Ade Chandra is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Pharmacology and Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).
His research interests and lecture topics include Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoeconomic. Apart from academic dusty, he is also currently active as a trainer and researcher in Cochrane Indonesia and Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit (CEBU), UGM.
Dr Lukman holds a medical degree from UGM, and has completed a dual degree (Master of Medicine and Master of Philosophy) in HIV, STIs, and sexual health from the University of Sydney in Australia.
Dr Lukman is a member of the WHO-AIC Health Rapid Review Network.
Top three publications
- Thobari JA, Haposan JH, Chandra LA, Hidayati N, Dewi RK, Purnamasari RW, Pudjiati DJ. Safety profile of remifentanil: A post-marketing study in Indonesia. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2022 May 5;12(5):165-70.
- Thobari JA, Haposan J, Nurwahidin M, Chandra LA, Riswiyanti A, Sari D, Widyastuti Y, Sudarwanti S, Hidayati N, Dewi RK, Purnamasari R. A Post-Marketing Study of Pethidine in Indonesia: Safety Profile. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2022 Mar 19;10(A):519-24.
- Chandra L. The prevalence of three bacterial STIs at various sites of infection among asymptomatic men-who-have-sex with-men attending the clinic service at Western Sydney Sexual Health Centre (Doctoral dissertation).