Dr Fransiska Kaligis
Lecturer, Division of Child and Adolescent in Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Indonesia
Dr Fransiska Kaligis is a lecturer, academic staff from Division of Child and Adolescent in Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia – Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
Currently, she is serving as Secretary of Child and adolescent psychiatry section of the Indonesian Psychiatric Association and vice-secretary of Indonesian College of Psychiatry since 2013. Before, she used to be a general psychiatrist in governmental hospital then she continued her training in child and adolescent psychiatry in Universitas Indonesia. She also got qualification as child and adolescent psychotherapist from Rhino-groep Netherland and Faculty of Psychology Universitas Padjajaran-Indonesia. Her academic experience includes from University of Fukuoka Japan and Indonesia.
She had published several papers in Asian journals regarding child and adolescent mental health in Indonesia. In addition, she had done many presentations regarding child and adolescent mental health, such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Sexual Abuse, along with her experiences by being clinical teacher on Psychiatry Clinical Practice Module and developing OSCE questions for medical students.
Furthermore, she has ongoing research and projects with her colleagues as well as the medical students of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia.