Dewi Savitri Wahab
Former Consul-General, Victoria and Tasmania
Consulate-General of the Republic of Indonesia
Prior to her posting as Consul General in Melbourne Ibu Dewi was the Director of East Asia and Pacific Affairs for the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 2010-2014, in which one of her task was looking after bilateral relations with Australia, aside from another 30 countries in the Asia and Pacific Region.
Her previous postings were twice in New York, where she served as Minister Counsellor (2008-2010) and Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations (2000-2004). Her first assignment was Second Secretary at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations and other UN organizations in Geneva, Switzerland (1995-1998).
Ibu Dewi had been member of delegations for the Republic of Indonesia to the many international conferences among others were climate change, sustainable development, international economic affairs, multilateral environmental agreements, and women issue.
Before joining the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ibu Dewi worked as a journalist at the leading English newspaper The Jakarta Post under Mr. Sabam Siagian who became the Indonesian Ambassador to Australia in 1992.