Adam Zaborszczyk

Senior Sustainability Officer, Sustainable Energy

City of Melbourne

Adam holds the position of Senior Sustainability Officer – Sustainable Energy within the Urban Sustainability Branch at the City of Melbourne. He leads the Melbourne Renewable Energy Project.

He has worked on various collaborations between the public sector and industry focused on renewable energy, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reduction. Adam leads the the Mebourne Renewable Energy Project – a collaboration between 14 partner organisations, including Local Government, State Government agencies, and the private sector. Facilitated by the City of Melbourne, the group seeks to drive investment in new renewable energy projects through purchasing renewable energy from new purpose built, utility scale facilities.

At the City of Melbourne he has been involved establishing the City’s various energy efficiency initiatives aimed at private buildings. The Smart Blocks initiative, an innovative collaboration between Councils and the property sector, developed various deliver tools for improving energy efficiency in privately owned apartment buildings.

Adam has also been involved in addressing distribution network issues and facilitating distributed generation, exploring opportunities for district energy systems in the central city, and developing infrastructure options for the upcoming Queen Victoria Market redevelopment.

Adam’s 15 year career has involved experience at all three levels of the public sector having previously worked for the Australian Capital Territory Public Service and the Federal Parliament. Working for the ACT Planning and Land Authority Adam was responsible for developing policy and regulation concerning energy efficiency and environmental performance standards in buildings and administering the energy efficiency mandatory disclosure scheme. His role in Federal Parliament involved advising on energy, fuels and transport legislation and policy.

Adam joined the City of Melbourne in 2009.