Digital technology can play an important role in increasing the accessibility of information for people with disabilities (PwD). Increasing the use of digital devices among PwD, particularly youth with disabilities (YwD) aged between 16 and 30, can improve access to health information and related services.
Ecotourism potential of the proposed railway line in South Sulawesi
The new and first railway line in the province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia was initially proposed for freight and industrial mobilisation but its function can be further expanded to include public transport and boost various economic sectors, including ecotourism.
Indonesian health professionals learn together through the Transform Leadership Program
Over eight days in Melbourne at the Royal Children’s Hospital, nine delegates participated in the intensive Transform Leadership Program, focusing on non-communicable disease (NCD) prevention in Indonesia. Funded by the Australia-Indonesia Centre, the program was developed by Andrea Krelle – from the Centre of Adolescent Health, The University of Melbourne – in concert with Dr […]
The future of innovation is in good hands
The following speeches were presented at the Australia-Indonesia Centre Graduate Research Interdisciplinary Network Mentors Dinner, Tuesday 29 November 2016, University House, Australian National University. Distinguished guests included the President of the Australian Academy of Science, Professor Andrew Holmes, and the Chairman of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences, Professor Sangkot Marzuki. Kieran Sullivan, PhD candidate, University of Melbourne […]
Connecting social entrepreneurship with sustainability research: Urban Water Cluster student presents at international conference
Can social innovation and social entrepreneurship transform governance and citizenship in developing cities? PhD student Erika Duncan-Horner recently gave a presentation on this topic, in the context of urban water transformations, at the International Conference of Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (ICOCSPA) 2016. “The concept of social entrepreneurship is not yet well connected to research […]
Graduate Research Interdisciplinary Network joins the Australia Indonesia Science Symposium
What are the career prospects for young scientists in today’s globally connected world and what is the role of the early career researcher in innovation? The Australia Indonesia Science Symposium will tackle these and other questions on Thursday 1 December at the Shine Dome in Canberra and joining them in the debate will be the […]