The Indonesian city of Makassar is served by the higher education public facility of Universitas Hasanuddin. The science-focussed university serves a province that is increasing its port capacity and has started the development of its first railway.
Policy & education
People and research for better health across the Timor Sea
Research is often thought of as happening in abstract, remotely in a lab or at desk overwhelmed with journal articles and books. Rather, like ocean navigators of old, our health research community chartered little known territory for the research and ideas they carried with them, connecting across the Timor Sea to explore and drive change […]
More incentive needed for ‘missing middle’ of Indonesia’s national health insurance
Low uptake amongst Indonesia’s informal sector is compromising the country’s new national health insurance scheme (JKN, Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional), introduced in 2014 by the health wing of the then newly formed social security agency, the BPJS. An AIC study has released a set of policy and service-provision recommendations that researchers hope will fix this, and […]
Losing a loved one from heart attack – how early life prevention can save lives
Recently my eyes were opened about how to implement a healthy lifestyle in our society, and how important it is for disease prevention. This affects me as some of my family members suffer from NCDs. With a background in business and finance, I recently attended the AIC Health Cluster forum under the theme ‘Early-life non-communicable […]
Building the Golden Generation: Health forum consolidates cross-sector innovation towards critical investment in health and education
The ‘Youth are our Future’ forum in Jakarta yielded new and strengthened links between researchers and NGOs and government agencies, particularly across health and education, whose partnership is vital for translating research into policy. This diverse group shared their commitments and vision for reducing the current and future burden from non-communicable diseases (NCDs). A key […]
Memberdayakan Remaja dan Dokter Untuk #BeatNCDs / Empowering GPs and students to #BeatNCDs
Bahasa Indonesia Remaja diajak bersama untuk mengembangkan buku pedoman gaya hidup sehat, bersama dengan para dokter umum, mahasiswa kedokteran dan peneliti. Sebelum itu, dokter dan mahasiswa tersebut menerima perlatihan kebiasaan sehat, kerahasiaan, berkomunikasi dengan remaja. Baca lebih lanjut tentang program ini di sini (Bahasa Inggris). Dan download gratis buku latihan remaja di sini: Lagu: Best […]
Membantu remaja melawan PTM / Helping students combat NCDs
Bahasa Indonesia Mengubah kebiasaan kita adalah proses yang kompleks, tetapi hal ini penting untuk melawan penyakit tidak menular (PTM). Dalam proyek ini, Dr Mora Claramita dari Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Gadjah Mada memimpin penulisan dua buku yang ditujukan untuk para siswa sekolah. Buku-buku tersebut berisi berbagai macam informasi dan aktivitas yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan gaya hidup […]
Fighting non-communicable diseases in Indonesia / Melawan ‘NCD’ di Indonesia
English Transform Health Leadership Program – Melbourne, 26 February-7 March, 2018 Nine Indonesian health professionals came together in Melbourne for a week of learning and discussion around the prevention of non-communicable diseases in Indonesia. We asked the delegates some questions about what’s happening, and what’s to be done. Read more about the program here, and […]
Transform Health Leaders bring adolescent health and NCD prevention focus to Jakarta
Delegates of the Australia-Indonesia Centre Transform Health Leadership Program recently delivered a workshop in Jakarta to pass on their new knowledge and ideas to twenty fellow Indonesian health professionals. The nine Indonesian health professionals who completed the Health Cluster-led program in Melbourne in February presented a two-day workshop called ‘Indonesian Approach to Transform Adolescent Health […]
Transform Health Leaders membawa kesehatan remaja dan pencegahan penyakit tidak menular ke Jakarta
Delegasi dari Australia-Indonesia Centre Transform Health Leadership Program baru-baru ini melaksanakan lokakarya di Jakarta untuk menyampaikan keilmuan dan gagasan baru kepada 20 tenaga dan ahli kesehatan di Indonesia. Terdapat sembilan orang ahli kesehatan yang telah menyelesaikan program Health Cluster mereka di Melbourne pada bulan Februari, menyajikan lokakarya selama dua hari dengan tema Indonesian Approach to Transform […]