The prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in Indonesia has increased, while the prevalence of communicable diseases and morbidity and mortality due to trauma/ injuries has remained the same. Despite lifestyle patterns that can lead to the development of NCDs typically beginning during adolescence, GPs in Indonesia have focused more on prevention of NCDs within the elderly population.
The aim of this study is to develop an educational program aimed at engaging primary care physicians (GPs) in approaching adolescents to discuss lifestyle risks associated with Non-Communicable Diseases. To ensure the sustainability of the program, it will be embedded into existing community and school working groups in Indonesia called ‘Dokter Kecil’and ‘Pos Bindu’. This program is the first part of a longer-term objective to undertake a series of research studies that will help prevent NCDs in adolescents, by working towards a program to empower adolescents as peer leaders of healthier lifestyle for NCDs prevention, supported by GPs.