Australia-Indonesia Centre representatives attend the launch of Indonesia’s new Centre of Excellence for Clean Energy in Nusa Dua, Bali, and a two-day international Clean Energy Forum.
Over 1000 representatives from over 30 countries, and approximately 100 exhibitors, have come together at the Clean Energy Forum on February 11 and 12. The theme of the forum is ‘Bridging the Gap: Promoting Global Partnerships’.
In launching the Centre, Executive Director of the International Energy Agency Dr Fatih Birol reinforced how Indonesia is playing an important part in the international effort to transition from fossil fuel-dependent communities.
Governor of Bali, Mr I Made Mangku Pastika said, “Bali is the Island of Gods; it is also the Island of Love. In future I would like to say that it is also the island of clean energy. We aim to go 100% clean.”
Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla reiterated the Indonesian government’s commitment to the decisions of the December 2015’s COP 21 Sustainable Innovation Forum in Paris to maintain current climate temperatures, stating that natural gas will play a larger role in Indonesia’s clean energy endeavours.
Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Sudirman Said, stated that the Centre seeks to provide the evidence base to transition Indonesia to a clean energy future.
At the forum, the Australia-Indonesia Centre announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Indonesia’s Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, continuing valuable energy research collaborations between the two nations.
Read more about the Memorandum of Understanding here.
Read about the island micro-grid project here.