The AIC congratulates all new ministers

The Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) congratulates all new ministers in President Joko Widodo’s first administration.

We wish them well as they use their individual and collective wisdom to guide Indonesia towards growth, prosperity and equality.

The lineup of experience is impressive.

Of special note is the appointment of Ibu Retno Marsudi as the first female Foreign Minister. This is a wonderful achievement for Ibu Retno and Indonesia.

In addition, the AIC is delighted to see the appointment of two education ministers – one for Research and Technology and Higher Education, the other for Primary and Secondary Education.

The recognition of the importance of research, technology and higher education is exciting, and reinforces the AIC’s efforts to introduce much higher levels of collaborative research between leading academics in both nations. We are looking forward to working closely with the Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education, Professor Dr Pak M. Nasir.

It must be hoped that Professor Dr M. Nasir receives strong cross-ministerial support for the research agenda.

The AIC also congratulates Professor Dr Pratikno on his appointment as State Secretary. Pak Pratikno is a board member of the AIC. He is well known for his vision as Rektor of Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Paul Ramadge was the Founding Director of The Australia-Indonesia Centre