My opinion of Innovation

Innovation in developing countries, such as Indonesia, is rarely spoken of in many circles. It’s possibly because of the lack of knowledge about its meaning and how it applies in real life.

I see innovation as the new way to solve any number of problems with different and unique approaches from our cumulative creative knowledge. It is needed to transform developing countries into more adaptive and resilient ones in this era of globalization.

Many studies of innovation and advanced technology have been investigated. It is important, therefore, that knowledge of innovation is shared and popularised in developing countries by taking action in improving research, technology creation, governance processes, and any other areas that depend on our roles as researchers.

As higher education students responsible for maintaining an environment of innovation, we should understand the principles and concepts of innovation. The 3rd AIC Research Summit taught us how great innovation comes about. Great innovations in technology and other areas should create simple solutions that are applicable, reasonable and fairly easy to maintain.

Thus, all the research that we’ve been doing needs to be explored in innovative ways in order to produce the expected results; results that are useful for creating an adaptive and resilient society, especially in a developing country.


Amarizni Mosyaftiani

Amarizni Mosyaftiani, Master degree program in Landscape Architecture IPB, SP 5 – RHD Student in Urban Water Cluster.