Governments, corporate actors, community organisations and schools are increasingly relying on digital interventions to engage with their citizens, stakeholders, consumers and students. Indonesia is no different.
Creating fairer trade in South Sulawesi’s seaweed supply chain ecosystem
Despite being the largest seaweed producer in Indonesia, the exports from the province of South Sulawesi still fall short of global demand. This report helps to understand the ongoing supply chain ecosystem and how it can be improved to create a fairer trade and generate further revenue at local and national levels.
Examining skill gaps and participation of young women in the food processing industry in South Sulawesi
The economic gender gap and the need to improve employment opportunities for young people are two major challenges in the province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia and the PAIR study identifies several contributing factors.
Capacity building and knowledge transfer in seaweed mapping in Indonesia
Early work in using satellite imagery to map seaweed production has shown there is potential for the information to be used to benefit the industry.
Ecotourism potential of the proposed railway line in South Sulawesi
The new and first railway line in the province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia was initially proposed for freight and industrial mobilisation but its function can be further expanded to include public transport and boost various economic sectors, including ecotourism.
Review of vocational education and training programs in informing the future seaweed industry in South Sulawesi
Improving the skills of the workforce is a key priority for the Indonesian government and this can be achieved by enhancing the quality of the curriculum, teaching staff and working closely with industry.
Developing a rapid assessment for seaweed qualities
This report is part of a series of studies that aim to improve the Indonesian seaweed industry by increasing the standard of seaweed produced as well as providing a useful tool for monitoring and measuring seaweed quality.
Sustainable upgrading of the South Sulawesi seaweed industry
As one of the recognised commodities that sustains tens of thousands of households along the Indonesian coastline, the government is seeking informed solutions to expand and modernise the seaweed industry.
Understanding the livelihoods and aspirations of young people in the face of agrarian change and development in South Sulawesi
This report presents a detailed analysis and overview of the livelihoods, skills, education and aspirations of rural young people in the Maros district of South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Building stronger university to industry relations: A case study at Universitas Hasanuddin
The Indonesian city of Makassar is served by the higher education public facility of Universitas Hasanuddin. The science-focussed university serves a province that is increasing its port capacity and has started the development of its first railway.