This report examines diversity and inclusion in the university context, focusing on two key tertiary education institutions, the University of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia and Universitas Hasanuddin in the Indonesian province of South Sulawesi. Our research is based on two studies and aims to contribute to the development of initiatives that promote studying environments that […]
Navigating the future of healthcare: Digital strategies for post-pandemic recovery in South Sulawesi
The health system in Indonesia, particularly in South Sulawesi, faced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic due to inadequate implementation of health information systems (HIS).
Improving teacher quality in vocational education schools in South Sulawesi
Indonesia’s population has reached 270 million people, according to the Population Census by Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). This places Indonesia as the fourth most populous country in the world after China, India and the United States of America.
Improving South Sulawesi young people’s health and wellbeing
This project investigates factors influencing the health and socio-economic wellbeing of people from farming communities in three rural districts of South Sulawesi — Maros, Pangkep and Barru and uses the knowledge to improve people’s health and wellbeing. The three districts have large agricultural or aquacultural communities, with many people earning a living as rice or […]
Evaluating services provided to women in Makassar experiencing family violence: best practice and support delivery
This report provides the first comprehensive mapping of support services available to women experiencing family and domestic violence in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
End-of-life of plastics used in seaweed aquaculture in South Sulawesi
The increasing popularity of seaweed farming in Indonesia has brought an environmental challenge as the industry has come to rely heavily on plastic bottles for buoyancy to hold up seaweed lines.
How price rises on staple foods affect households in South Sulawesi
A rise in food prices has a big impact in a country such as Indonesia, especially in poorer households who spend more than 60 percent of their budget on food. Changes in food prices, even small ones, create uncertainty and are a sensitive political issue.
Inclusive digital health: Empowering people with disabilities
Digital technology can play an important role in increasing the accessibility of information for people with disabilities (PwD). Increasing the use of digital devices among PwD, particularly youth with disabilities (YwD) aged between 16 and 30, can improve access to health information and related services.
Socio-economic impact and outcomes on the first build of the Trans-Sulawesi Railway
Sulawesi has been recognised as a key economic corridor by successive governments of Indonesia under national development plans.
Assessment of policy coordination and communication in the development of the Makassar–Parepare railway line
A new railway line being built in the province of South Sulawesi has the potential to change both social mobility and economic growth. In that context, this study looked at the important role of policy coordination and communication in making the railway a success.