E-commerce Cybersecurity for MSMEs in Indonesia: Information and FAQs

The E-Commerce Aid for Trade Fund Initiative

What is the E-commerce Aid for Trade Fund?

The E-commerce Aid for Trade Fund is a $4.5 million program to help developing countries in the Indo-Pacific maximise the benefits of digital trade by increasing their e-commerce capabilities.

Digital trade is an increasingly important way for the Indo-Pacific region to connect and do business with the rest of the world. The rise of disruptive technologies, the rapid digitalisation of trade, and the growth of e-commerce all offer significant opportunities for economic development and prosperity for our region. However, this potential can only be realised through the development of an effective digital trade-enabling environment.

This Fund seeks to provide organisations and governments across the Indo-Pacific with support to address barriers to e-commerce, build greater e-commerce capabilities and leverage digital trade opportunities. By helping developing countries get the most out of digital trade, the Fund builds on the Australian Government’s ongoing commitment to help boost the economic development of the Indo-Pacific.

What is the objective of the E-commerce Cybersecurity for MSMEs project?

The E-commerce and Cybersecurity for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) initiative is a pilot project aimed at improving cybersecurity competencies of Indonesian MSMEs and support their integration into ASEAN and global trade. It focuses on increasing awareness, understanding risks and responding to it.


Who will benefit from this project?

Small online businesses will benefit from this project – as a pilot, 100 small businesses from three cities will be selected as participants.


Who will deliver the project?

The Australia-Indonesia Centre (AIC) in partnership with ICT professional associations, will design and deliver the pilot program in consultation with provincial governments, and relevant central government units, including Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN) and the Ministry of Cooperative and SME (KEMENKOPUKM).


How will the project be delivered?

The AIC’s approach involves six phases, with each phase building on the results and insights of the previous one.

  1. Selection phase involves identifying and selecting 100 MSME participating organisations from three cities, Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya.
  2. The diagnostic phase will use a tool to assess the company’s cybersecurity vulnerabilities in protecting information security and responding to cyber-attacks. The assessment establishes an organisation’s level of awareness and cybersecurity preparedness – the robustness of their policies, processes, and systems. The results will assist us to determine the type and level of competency training required.
  3. Learning modules phase involves the development of learning modules delivered in conjunction with Indonesian local partner. Modules will be delivered through face-to-face and online. Modules will be based on international standards and provide pathways to micro-credentialing. Micro-credentials offer participants a way to build their field-specific skills. Areas covered will include design and development of cybersecurity strategies, risk management and mitigation, developing cybersecurity incident response plans and managing cyber incidents.
  4. Competency training phase will be conducted in Jakarta and Surabaya (or online) by cybersecurity experts from Australia and Indonesia. Online materials will be made available to reinforce training sessions.
  5. Certification phase – organisations successfully completed the training will be awarded a certificate of completion. It will also provide organisations a clear pathway to apply for the international standards in information security – ISO 27001 certification.
  6. Evaluation phase – involves review of the program and the refinement of its model for scalability.


What is the Australia-Indonesia Centre?
The Australia-Indonesia Centre is an initiative signed into being in 2014 by the governments of Indonesia and Australia. The Centre brings together 11 leading universities in both nations: Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Hasanuddin, Universitas Indonesia, IPB University, The University of Melbourne, Monash University, The University of Queensland, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Institut Teknologi Bandung and The University of Western Australia.

The mission of the AIC is to advance people-to-people links in science, technology, education, innovation and culture.

The core research focus of the AIC is on advancing collaborative research on an interdisciplinary basis and with close engagement with government, commercial and community stakeholders. The key areas of research cover regional development, logistics, energy, health, agriculture, youth, digital and the creative economy.